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Thanks, now I am afraid of doing my taxes. Great game!

one of the best games i've played in a while. last game on my 3 random game. really enjoyed it

how do you play it after you download it?

press the launch button

(1 edit)

yeah you right


that scared the shit out of me

i was SO scared to play and when i checked the game files it sayed MONO like wut

just a game about sorting mail :)...

Had to check this out after discovering Not a Sailor studios with Buddy Simulator 1984 Demo. Officially love all of their stuff now! 🤣😋

Thanks for the game... loved it :)

Just a normal game about doing taxes. I love it.

(1 edit)

Really fun game! Played it a while ago on my channel and well... after a while of paying my taxes... I scribbled all over them... (oops)


my god, this is awesome. its so short but its so interesting. this is one of the best games ive played, the work put into this game must have been alot! im surprised this isnt on steam or being sold. i thought this game was gonna be a little like papers, please but it took a turn and it spooked me just a little! lol. first you hear the whispers and youre like, what was that? am i hearing things? and then it just goes downhill from there and it really made me wanna know more about the story, i wish it was longer! amazing game, 5 out of 5 stars from me :)

it was very unclear as to what the story was. scary none the less

Great game, with a great premise. (Video below if anyone wants to watch!!)

You've taken something that is very mundane and made it something very scary and dreadful. The ominous tone and the music at the end is really well done and even the subliminal messages through the cards throughout the game was also implemented well. Didn't expect the occult-esque twist at the end there, but it adds to the metaphor about taxes and life going on the same over and over again among other things. 

Overall, it was really well thought through and well made. Keep up the great work!


Being a 15 year old who has never done taxes..i think imma commit tax evasion..lmao jk good game.


Don't you also hate it when you were sended back to a traumatic childhood experience while doing your tax ?



I did like it tho

(1 edit)

This was such an amazing game! Now I know how to do my taxes :D thank you for also teaching me that I am awful at making signatures <3 

(btw I didn't realize this was tagged 'horror' until after I played it...)

This one took an interesting turn. I liked it a lot.

+1 for the signature mechanic

Anyone know how to play with a mac? Mine wont open the game sadly

same mines won't either 



[insert litty reactions here]

i thought it was a missed opportunity to make a game that actually simulates filing your taxes, but then i learned yall only had 48 hours (wish the name of the jam was listed somewhere). very well done for 48 hours; a fun game that takes an interesting turn. im eager to check out buddy simulator sometime!


is there no way i can support the dev?

kind of scary how accurate it is to actually doing your taxes

how do you play it? it looks cool


use ur arrow buttons on your keyboard


good game :)


this is such a fun game! honestly, the twist ending was also great! :)


A perfect simulation about what it's like to do your taxes.


shouldv'e checked the comments first before playing the game dead at night with headphones on. Nonetheless, great game! the animations were superb, the audio used were awesome, and thee concept was brilliant!

Probably the most accurate representation of doing taxes, reminds me of how the past 10 years have gone. 

Absolutely loved this game. What started out like a regular day at the office quickly turned into something more sinister. Those voices in your ear were a brilliant setup for the horror to come.

Minor criticism, the music was a little too loud and I found it hard to make out the whispers. Could have done with being gentle background music. Great melody choice though. Makes it feel all the more weird and creepy when stuff starts to happen.

Thanks Not a Sailor Studios. Great little game.



A fine is a tax for doing something wrong.
A tax is a fine for doing something right

Not going to lie, I honestly thought there was a ghost in my room whispering in my ear for a moment lmao. Awesome game!


Now i know why Yoshi doesn't pay his taxes. Cool game anyways!

omg what an experience. That was amazing well done, I also recommend the website for your game too.

YouTuber: Fellowplayer

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