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10/10 had fun with buddy :]

I can't wait for the full version good luck and always remember to always have a rest 




i been looking for the past 2 hours

can you tell me what are those numbers on my arm are for?

please i need to know

Got myself a compatibility problem. My screen is extremely wide and I can't see some of the text, plus there's no clear resolution settings.

Hi! Unfortunately, the current version of demo breaks if the ratio isn't 16:9. We're sorry that you can't experience it on your current monitor, but we are looking into a fix for this once the full game comes out. Thanks for notifying us about this!

Really neat concept! So many surprises I wish I could talk about but I don't want to spoil!

my game keeps crashing, i think. it will load some text on "the adventure of" and then stop. then i cant click out of the game, type or anything else. i need to shut off my computer to quit.

i tried openig the crash opener but it just wont open

i tried uninstalling the game and reinstalling but it doesnt work. 

i love this game so far and id like to continue playing bind but i dont know what to do

Hey Lazy! I'm really sorry this is happening to you. You'd be pleased to know that another version of the demo is in the works, and hopefully this bug of yours will be fixed once it's released! In the mean time, hang tight. Your buddy will be waiting for you. :)

I’ll be sure to check it when it comes out.

Thank you for getting back to me 


Gives me Faith vibes. Can't wait to see the full product!

this game is amaizing!! looking forward to the full game :))

Loved it.

looking forward for the full game. :)

The attention to details were astounding, I love how every interactions have a unique dialogue, please keep it up. I expect the final game to have at least this much detail as the demo.

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Amazing game for a DEMO. My brain hurt trying to peice together what parts were horror, what parts were the game's horror, what parts were Buddy Sim's horror, and what parts were unofficial game horror. I don't so far see a story other than the virtual adventure, but the game was great! Keep up the good work!

I loved this game so much! I can't wait for the full version!! :) 

it's great especially its art style! Can't waiting for the released one

I grew so attached, it´s great! I loved how you managed to make the players want to come back for the full game, you should not ignore your buddy´s pleas to come back.

this might be the most emotionally attaching game i've ever played, omg i need to see my buddy again soon, hope the full game is amazing!


Quand IA que l'amour

En ce deuxième jour de confinement, je m’ennuyais un peu. La centaine de jeux à ma disposition me tétanisait : la classique paralysie du choix. Celle qui nous fait scroller Netflix pendant une demie-heure, l’œil vitreux et le cœur vide. J'en étais à faire de même sur, quand un titre a accroché mon œil (l'autre, le moins vitreux). BUDDY SIMULATOR 1984. Entre donc ami virtuel et embrasse-moi. N'aie pas peur, j'ai mis du gel hydroalcoolique sur mes joues.

"Buddy Simulator 1984 simule l'expérience de passer du temps avec son meilleur ami". On a beau être misanthrope, quand votre dernier contact humain extérieur remonte à 48h (la boulangère), cet argument touche au cœur. Profitant que ma compagne, un peu à fleur de peau à cause de la promiscuité, fut occupée à dessiner au sol la ligne de démarcation de SA partie du studio, j'ai dis bonjour à mon nouveau meilleur ami.

Il était très textuel, brut de physique mais doux de caractère, comme les camemberts des publicités. D'abord, j'ai choisi son nom. Ensuite, je me suis présenté. Il m'a demandé ces choses futiles qui meublent si confortablement un premier rendez-vous. Mais avec lui, aucune gène, même lors des silences. Pour briser la glace, il m'a proposé quelques jeux. Des choses basiques, qui mettent tout le monde à l'aise. On a joué à "devine le nombre auquel je pense", à pierre-feuille-ciseaux, et on a fini par un bon vieux pendu. Dans la simplicité de ces petits jeux, il s'est toujours efforcé de mettre un peu de moi. Comme pour me montrer, au moment de notre amitié naissante, qu'il allait être une oreille attentive à mes états d'âmes.

Ensuite, mon ami a montré de la gène pour la première fois. Il voulait pouvoir me proposer plus profond que ces jeux, mais devait composer avec ses modestes capacités logicielles. Il s'est concentré très fort pour me raconter une histoire. Au début, c'était nul. Mais touchant. Visiblement pas dupe de ma bienveillance critique, il a décidé d'aller encore plus loin. Avec mon aide, il a augmenté ses forces. Alors il a pu m'emmener dans une histoire dont vous êtes le héro simple. J'ai joué le jeu. On a passé un moment pas désagréable.

Goodbye my friend
Quand je le croyais au bout, il a dépassé ses limites, déformé ses lignes de texte pour me construire un chez moi virtuel ! Je lui avais donné vie sur mon écran, et il me recréait dans son monde.
Brutalement, dans un déchirement d'écran épileptique, j'étais de retour sur le froid bureau de mon PC.
Il n'était qu'un programme pas terminé, il s'est épuisé pour moi.
Il est parti avant même que j'ai pu lui dire merci.
Et je suis encore plus seul qu'il y a 30 minutes.

This was a really great game! I loved it. However, now I want to cry, oh my gosh. Great job. 


Probably the best games I’ve ever played. Is there ever gonna be an official full game release?


Hi Helaxis! Glad you enjoyed! That's always awesome to hear. Can confirm, a full version is in development. If you wanted to stay updated, feel free to join our Discord community or follow us on Twitter. :)

Deleted 4 years ago

Thanks for replying, when is the release? A unspecified date is fine with me.

(1 edit) (+3)

loved this game a LOT, got super attached to my buddy and started crying at the end. I'd take a whole game of just playing with my buddy, no horror or anything. a ton of fun, wish it didn't end so suddenly but it only makes me excited for the full game


I agree. I just wanna play with my buddy.


Wait. This was supposed to be a HORROR game?! Nothing was really scary until the end, and that fear was just like the fear of losing a loved one. I was SO emotionally attached to my buddy. I was really hoping to maybe go on all sorts of adventures, but also just have a chat with my Buddy. 
Overall, 9/10. I LOVE this game, but now i'm scared about the full version...are some dirty tricks gonna be played on me that will make me lose my buddy? I hope not.

Jesus Christ....I can't believe I'm crying right now.


yeah its a cool game and all... But the ending SUCKS *Sobs* why did my buddy have to dieee, it makes NO SENSE!!!

But really a cool game, i really hope there is more coming (:


Great game i only wish that if you use your buddys name when it asks you if you have any friends it would say something



but ı only didnt understand one thing... why was there hands on the adventure of (me)? and btw is there a continue, a full game?  

(1 edit) (+6)

I felt a bigger connection with a few lines on my screen than I have with any actual person. 10/10 gg

i feel the same

Helps lads I for some reason am not able to run the game, I click on the application but it doesn't run, is there something I'm missing? This also happened with No Players Online.

what platformation are you on?


im a little concerned for my computers health because at the beginning when i said hello to my buddy (gerald if you were wondering) there was like an app opened that had a smiley face and an exclemation mark with it


Hey guys , loved the game and this is the type of game id love to make and was wondering what did you use to make this awesome game .

can you please make this available for mac? thank you.



Just watched Markiplier play this game and WOW!! Going to have to get it for myself.

Text based horror games are pretty rare and this one is truly one of the best.

wait. It's a horror game?!

I enjoyed your game. I was trying to do a video on it, but I was hit with a few issues which broke the experience for me. It's still a very interesting concept though, and I'm looking forward to playing the full game.

First off, I thought it had bugged on the numbers game until I figured that the game was US if you know what I mean. :D

First bug, I entered my YouTube name Si7ruz. It allowed it, but when I got to the Hangman game, I couldn't pass because only letters were allowed. Perhaps force letters for the users name at the beginning to get past this.

After I restarted and when through it again, after all the games, the command you enter included the same hotkey of my start record / end record key. DOH! By the time I have figured out the video wasn't recording I'd finished the game lol.

Enjoyed it though, just won't be a video on it I'm afraid. Looking forward to the final game. Thanks.

I need help!!! I went to the chamber and onto the keypad, but now I can't leave, and everything I try to do, the game just says "invalid response". I've tried nearly everything, actual numbers, oddly enough, words, and just tried to leave. I can't get away from the keypad and I'm truly STUCK! Nothing I have does anything!

(1 edit)

Hey Cass! Thanks for reaching out, really sorry you're stuck! Someone has actually mentioned this before so you're not the only one. So, in the keypad, after typing something in it, it should have prompted with "Nothing happens. Try again?" So this might sound super obvious (sorry if it is), but I was just curious if nothing happens even when just typing 'no'.

Thank you! Got out of it and finished the demo! I loved it so so much! Can't wait for the full release!

I didn't think I'll be so scared, but I was. Great game! I can't wait for the full release :D



I've seen plenty of game play on this game and even played it myself!I am absolutely in love with this game, it captures the 1900's vibe perfectly! The only thing i'm sad about is my buddy had to leave so soon, which leaves me wondering when the full game will come out? I would love to see the rest of my house! 

Thanks, QuantumOfficial

Hi there! We're so happy you enjoyed! We have a lot of things planned for this game and we're hard at work on it as we speak. We promise your buddy will return once again! As of right now, we don't have a set release date, but if you wanted to stay updated, feel free to join our Discord community or follow us on Twitter. Thanks so much for the kind words. :)

I just started playing the game but I think either I broke it or there's a bug.
So basically after my buddy and I played 2 games it then "dug out" the Fun With Words game.After that I didn't choose Fun with Words and instead chose Hangman since I wanted to finish all 3 games first.Then after I finished Hangman it then told me to restart the game and it then started up The Adventure Of (My name) game.I saw some Youtubers played this game and when they played it The Adventure Of (My name) game had a story but mine was just stuck there at the first lines of words.
I don't know how to fix this but I can tell its a great game from the videos I have seen so far.
Other than that, Keep up the good work!

Hey LordMan! Thanks for letting us know and I'm sorry this is happening. :( This is actually a pretty common bug that we've been told about a few times, so we're definitely going to make sure it gets fixed. Thanks again!

I just made an ichio account just to say that your game is great so far, and I love everything about it. 

Thanks for doing it!

(2 edits) (+2)


I was watching one of Markipliers new videos that was released and saw him playing this game. I didn't watch him play it but a minute before I paused it and opened up my laptop to experience it myself! This is a true masterpiece and I am so excited for the release. I was super sad when it ended because I just wanted to keep playing! thank you so much for creating such an amazing game and keep up the good work! you guys are awesome! :)


Your game is so engaging, I loved it!! I can't wait for the full version!!

I didn't see anyone else talk about it, so I figured I'd mention it: when my Buddy (Alan) wrote the poem, I noticed some letters were funky, so I jotted down which ones were weird...and was surprised to actually find that they spelled a message! I don't wanna spoil what it said, but now its bugging me why that message would be it a clue for something bigger? I gotta know!!


I started watching this game on Markiplier's channel, but about five minutes into his playthrough, I hit pause and ran to my computer to play it before I spoiled the entire experience for myself. And I'm so glad I did. SUCH CHILLS. MUCH CREEPINESS.

This is such an excellent example of the impact text-based horror can have and such a great use of a demo. I am hooked and will definitely be keeping an eye out for the full release of the game. I would also love to maybe do an interview with your team sometime close to the full game launch if you'd be willing to spare a bit of your time. :)

In any case, good luck with development! I look forward to seeing how the final version turns out.

Hi Kim! Thanks so much for your kind words. We're so happy you loved it. That's always an amazing thing to hear. <3 We'd love to do an interview sometime. We've still got quite a bit of work to do on the game, but if you'd ever like to reach out, feel free to message us on Twitter, Discord, or even our email: Thanks again!

Wonderful! Will do. :D


Everybody has already said it, so Ima yell it: THIS GAME'S AMAZING! I love the style, design, SAMPSON, the scratching in the ears, SAMPSON! If what everybody's saying isn't proof enough, then maybe hear it from Mark because this is a great concept. Development NEEDS to continue!

Great work!

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